How to become a plumber?
If you’re a homeowner, a plumber should be one of the names that you should know. The role of a plumber is to make sure that the plumbing system in your home is working smoothly and safely. It’s also their job to install new ones when you feel like having an upgrade. If there are no plumbers around, homeowners would have to deal with clogged pipes and lots of problems that can affect their homes both inside and out.
Plumbing isn’t an easy task so it’d take time for you to learn all about it especially if this is your first time dealing with this kind of work. Once you convince yourself that learning how to become a plumber can really benefit your household, here are some tips on how to get started:
First and foremost, you need to go back to your roots. Love for your craft will certainly get you far so if you want to become a local plumber, start by learning about the basics. When it comes down to it, people who are interested in this line of work should know how water supply systems work and what all the pipes do. You should also familiarize yourself with gas and electricity since these will serve as your tools and connection lines when plumbing systems come into play.
Once you’re comfy enough, give real-life hands-on work a shot. Don’t worry; there’s room for error especially when it comes to small tasks like fixing leaky fets or unclogging toilets. If you’re already at this point, congratulations! You should focus on finding employment in bigger projects like building homes. Once you get to be familiar with your work, try moving up the ladder and tackle more challenging tasks.
At this point, you know the basics so it’s time to learn about becoming a certified plumber. Contact licensing agencies in your area and see what they require their students to pass prior to graduation. It would also be beneficial if you can enroll yourself into courses that teach individuals how to become accredited plumbers since these are somewhat difficult for beginners especially when it comes down to math calculations involved.
Before taking any exams, do research first on what kind of questions will be asked during them. Learning about industry standards will also prepare you for the physical test. If your area requires hands-on tests, make sure that you participate in workshops that will help boost your chances of succeeding.
With all these tips on how to become a plumber, it’s time to think about making this as a career now. Before deciding on taking this route for good, ask yourself if you’re ready to put up with long hours and difficult tasks especially when upgrading plumbing systems is involved. Plumbing isn’t easy but once you master the craft, it can definitely be a very fulfilling job both financially and emotionally.
What does it mean to be a master plumber?
My father is a plumber in the Anderson Mill area in Austin, TX with his own local business. I grew up in the Anderson Mill area in Austin, TX. I went to Bluebonnet School of Cedar Park located at 3420 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613.
I interviewed him to find out what it means to be a master plumber.
He said he loves his job because every day is different and that each day he’s working on something new and especially serving the community of Anderson Mill Senior Center located at Millrun Park, 12100 Millwright Pkwy, Austin, TX 78750. He also likes the fact that he gets to work outside in all seasons and not just in an office. When someone really needs help, my dad says they’re very grateful and the appreciation given by the homeowner is extremely rewarding for him. His most challenging time was when there was a housing shortage, homes needed work every week but there were no people interested in becoming tradespeople. This lead us to have high unemployment rates at this time which wasn’t good for any of us.
My father said that he can still do all the things he used to do as a plumber and even more and has had no problem transitioning into retirement. He also commented on how good it is to hire apprentices, some of which work out and make great tradespeople and others won’t stay in the business because it takes too long to get approved by their union. His monthly benefits for himself as well as his employees make him feel like he’s treating them fairly as long as they’re hard workers who truly deserve what they’re getting paid.
Plumbing taught my dad respect for people and things around him that we use every day such as water, electricity, tools, etc. He was lucky enough to live through a time when kids were still expected to help their parents around the house and if not, he didn’t know how to do things for himself. If people worked together as a team back then instead of everyone going their separate ways then maybe we wouldn’t have the issues that we’re facing today.
While I was interviewing my Dad, no matter what question I asked him he would start talking about how good it is to hire younger tradespeople. He believes that this generation has so much more knowledge than the previous one and also believes that they should be able to work in anything related to construction, but at lower wages since there’s such a big workforce out there with fewer jobs available each year. When I tried asking him about his past or experiences growing up as a child, I would be met with short answers. He seemed to prefer talking about his business more than what it was really like growing up in the 1950s.